Pursuing Goals God’s Way Podcast

Episodes on the Pursuing Goals God’s Way podcast where we help you turn your passions and purpose into impact and income, all for the glory of God. Your host, Gabe Cox brings you thought process and tangible tips and strategies for achieving your goals and building your online business.

underlay of different seasons of spring summer fall winter with an overlay title how to set simple goals for the season you are in

Ep 136 | How to Set Simple Goals that You WILL FINISH in the Season of Life You are in

Hey Winner, So, you want to go after a goal, but you are a busy mama and you have too much on your plate. You feel the stirring to do something for yourself that can have a larger impact, but you are overwhelmed by the thought of adding this massive feat into your day. How…

woman laying sideways in a hammock overlooking the ocean with the title what is the difference between goals and dreams and why you need both

Ep 135 | Are Goals the Same as Dreams? The Main Differences Between a Goal and a Dream, and Why You Need Both!

Hey Winner, God is the originator of the dreams in our heart. He gives us the desires to fulfill our purpose. Dare to dream. Dare to let others see you as a bit crazy. Dare to not fit in. Joseph’s brothers ridiculed him—even sold him off—because he was a dreamer. Yet, he eventually became second…