Pursuing Goals God’s Way Podcast

Episodes on the Pursuing Goals God’s Way podcast where we help you turn your passions and purpose into impact and income, all for the glory of God. Your host, Gabe Cox brings you thought process and tangible tips and strategies for achieving your goals and building your online business.

Pinterest cover with a notebook and pen sitting on the table and 1, 2, 3 written on the paper for goal setting. Title of cover is 7 simple tips for goal setting in 2023

Ep 172 | 7 SIMPLE Tips for Goal Setting in 2023 (that will make the difference)

Hey Winner, I bet you are ready with a list of goals for the year. I bet you’re excited to start. I bet your motivation is at an all-time high. This is normal when we start something new. New ideas bring about fresh excitement and engagement. But, once all that excitement wears off, and things…

Woman with medium brown hair with an expression on her face of not knowing what to do and her hands palms up to the sky

Ep 171 | What Happens When God’s Plan for Us Seems Bigger than Our Qualifications? Interview with Stephanie Pletka

Hey Winner! What happens when God calls you to something bigger than yourself? Whether it’s missions, or starting a non-profit, or opening a business, or homeschooling your kids? It’s scary, feels impossible, puts a little fear in your step. So how do you push forward even if you have no clue how it will come…

How to Take Care of Your Basic Needs Holistically - Redefine Self-Care

Ep 170 | Let’s Redefine Self-Care – How to Take Care of Your Basic Needs Holistically to Show up Well in Your Personal and Professional Life – Interview with Emily Nichols

Hey Winner! The idea of self-care is a bit taboo these days. I’m not sure how taking care of our own needs as moms or women got labeled as “self-care” because, just as we’d take care of our kids’ needs, or we’d help our husbands out, we also need to take care of our own…