Ep 206 | Why You Shouldn’t “Make Things Happen” and What to do Instead with Natalie Burns

Hey Winner,
You need to make things happen in your business. You need to make things happen in your home. You need to make things happen in your life…
Have you heard that before? Success is you going all in and “making things happen.”
But what if there were another way?
What if we’d eliminate the overwhelm if we let up on control and choose to shift our focus on connecting with God, our family, and the process more than forcing things to manifest? What if we shifted our perspective that success isn’t the end result, but it’s actually a part of the process?
Today Natalie and I are diving into why you shouldn’t just try to make things happen and what the greater purpose is in what you do – in your home and in your business.
Rooting for you ~ Gabe
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Listen to hear
- Why we tend to feel the overwhelm when making things happen
- What we should do instead of trying to force making things happen
- What happens when we shift our perspective from success being an end result to success being a part of the process.
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Links Mentioned in all Episodes
- Natalie’s website: www.homeschoolteachingsimplified.com
- Connect with Natalie on YouTube: youtube.com/@homeschoolteachingsimplified
- Connect with Natalie on Instagram @homeschoolteachingsimplified
- Free workshop: 3 Secrets to Revamp Your Homeschool Approach and Unlock Deeper Connection with Your Child
Continue the discussions from the podcast in the Simplicity and Motherhood Community!
Natalie Burns
Natalie Burns is a wife and mother to 3 in BC, Canada. She has had a go-getter mindset since she was a little girl, especially when it comes to pursuing God’s will. Previously, as a high school biology, health sciences, and dance teacher, she saw the need for personalized learning and decided to homeschool her own children.
This is where she saw first hand how homeschooling families were pushing to make learning happen which was leading to fighting and overwhelm. Because of her background, she knew exactly what these families needed so she stepped out to show how to eliminate overwhelm for good.
She created Homeschool Teaching Simplified to support homeschooling moms to create connection with their children through teaching and learning so they can have freedom to reflect who they are as a family in their homeschool.
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