Top Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Do you have a goal you want to go after, but you’re unsure what others will think? Do you just not feel ready to start because you don’t think you have all the tools and resources in place, or your path just hasn’t been made clear yet?
Is there something you’ve been wanting to do, but you just don’t think it’s the right time? You’re in a busy season of life, and you just don’t think you can manage it all.
Procrastination is putting off important tasks until later or waiting until the very last minute to do something. It may be a big project at work, at home, volunteer work, or something you’ve been wanting to do to reach your goals and dreams.
It’s time to let go of your worry and doubt and just start. These are the Top Tips to Overcome Procrastination and just do it once and for all. There’s no time like the present.
Types of Procrastinators
Knowing the type of procrastinator you are will help you develop the right strategies to overcome the problem. There are different types of procrastination such as:
Passive procrastinators: You are paralyzed by indecision and end up postponing taking action and making decisions.
Active procrastinators: You deliberately delay taking action because you prefer to work under pressure. When you’re under much pressure, you become motivated to get things done.
Causes of Procrastination
What causes us to procrastinate? The first step to overcoming procrastination is to know what causes it in your life and deal with it head-on.
Unrealistic expectations
It takes time and hard work to succeed and get the results you want to see. When you set very high expectations for yourself, you may struggle to even get started on your goal.
Poor time management skills
Whether you have a large task or a boring task to complete, you need a strategy to complete it. When you’re overwhelmed, having effective time-management skills can help you overcome procrastination
Lack of motivation
When the amount of work you need to do to get to your goals feels like it’s too much, you may lack motivation and procrastinate. There are simple things you can do so that you are not overwhelmed and rather start a steady path of working towards your goals.
You may have a fear of failure, a fear of making mistakes, or even a fear of success. Failure and mistakes are part of our lives. What matters is to take the lessons from the failure, get right back up, and keep moving. If you’re scared to start because you may fail, just remember that even babies fall several times and keep getting back up until they can walk.
Fear of success is feeling guilty about your success because others around you don’t have it.
Low self-esteem
Comparing yourself with others on social media or even with those around you can make you doubt yourself and your abilities. But it’s important to believe in yourself and the potential God placed in you.
What are you waiting for? Why haven’t you started? What are you holding back on starting? Sometimes it’s overthinking and overanalyzing something from all angles until you, ultimately, talk yourself into believing that it’s impossible and too hard.
The good news? There are different ways to overcome these causes of procrastination. Having an action step and strategy in place is a good way to start the fulfilling journey of achieving your goals.
Top Tips to overcome procrastination
When you procrastinate doing the important things, it can often lead to negative feelings and stress-related conditions like headaches or insomnia and affects your mental health in the long run. That’s why it’s important to take the leap of faith because, really, what do you have to lose?
If you’re looking for practical ways to beat procrastination and to just do the thing, you’re in the right place. These are the Top tips to overcome procrastination, achieve success, and live your best life.
1. Don’t wait for the right time to start — it won’t come
What is the right time anyway? Is it tomorrow? Is it a month from now? Is it a year from now? Is it when you get your ducks in a row? — What does getting your ducks in a row mean anyway? — When is the right time for you?
If you’re waiting for the right time, the right time will never come. Do you know why? Because… if you don’t change something or do something, you’ll be stuck in the wrong time for the rest of your life.
Every new season will be the wrong time because, no matter the season, your life will always be full, you’ll be needed by someone, and your work will never be done.
So how can we combat this epidemic of the wrong time versus the right time?
Set goals
The first thing you need to do is to set your goals. The New Year is a good time to do this, but this can also be done anytime during the year. Setting reasonable goals gives you motivation and encouragement. Small goals with a detailed plan of how to achieve them over time will give you the success you’re looking for.
Need some help setting reasonable goals in the season you’re in? Register for our free workshop: 3 Pillars to Setting and Crushing Goals in a Stress-Less, No Hustle Way.
Do something every day
One little thing to move the needle forward is easy to do and easy not to do. Your to-do list may be long and overwhelming, but you can start with the easy tasks. Even with a full schedule, you can find the time to do one thing toward your dream, and all it takes is consistency over some time to make that dream come true.
Completed tasks give you momentum and confidence. Time management techniques like the Pomodoro technique are quite helpful in beating the procrastination habit. In this method, you identify the task at hand, set a timer for 25 minutes, focus on it for that amount of time, then take a five-minute break. Do this three times, then take a 30-minute break. Whether it’s a small task or a big task, this is an effective way to complete it.
The Five Minute Miracle is also a great way to manage your time. You decide to take a small step and work for five minutes at a time on a specific task. The good news is that, usually, once you start working on something, you’re more likely to finish it.
Work on yourself
Many times our excuse for it not being the right time stems from our lack of belief or confidence in ourselves. Begin a personal growth journey and watch your confidence build as you make small changes and develop a new habit.
Read 15 minutes a day from a personal growth book. Then do it the next day and the next until it becomes a routine. Listen to one personal growth audio a day while you’re driving, working out, or doing daily chores. Again, it’s easy to do, but it’s also easy not to do.
Carve out those chunks of time, and you will gain momentum toward your dream. The right time to start is now. Your future self will thank you for taking action now.
2. Don’t be distracted- Focus on your goals
Creating a conducive environment for success may be just what you need. Have a quiet place to work on your goals where you can focus without a possible distraction.
Checking your phone for hours at a time and engaging in games or social media, watching Netflix or the TV can have negative consequences on your mental health and demotivate you. You may need to avoid phone calls for some time by putting your phone on silent or on the Do not Disturb mode.
Set specific deadlines for yourself
Having a deadline will help you in your daily work to overcome procrastination. As you focus on a particular task and when it needs to be achieved, you’ll start to see results that will inspire you to keep working on more tasks. You can even reward yourself for completing tasks to further motivate yourself.
Reduce the number of decisions you have to make in a day
Each decision we make takes energy, and focus and can be distracting. So, one of the most effective strategies to stop procrastinating is to spend a big amount of time making as many decisions in advance as you can and creating routines.
Have a detailed plan for the day about what you’ll do, wear, eat, or where you’ll go so that you leave more energy to working toward your goals.
Focus on the good feelings that will come with the result
When you accomplish your goal, you feel good inside, you’ll make an impact in your life and those around you, and lead the life you want. Let your mind focus on this, and you’ll be inspired to start working on your goals today.
3. Don’t wait for the approval from others — some will never give it
Why are you banking what you do on other people? What advantage do you have in that? Why are they allowed to make your decisions for you? If they won’t be taking care of your family if you’re gone, then why should they have a say in how you take care of yours now?
Evaluate your relationships
Ask yourself honestly about each person who tries to give you advice or take approval: “Are they where I want to be or headed in that direction?” If sharing your plans and goals with other people leads to negative emotions, you may need to reduce the time spent with them.
Instead of waiting for approval from those who may not believe in your goals and dreams, ask someone who does to be your accountability buddy. When you have a hard time staying on course to achieve the life you want, an accountability partner can be a game-changer.
Knowing that someone with your best interests at heart will be following up and helping you to meet your deadlines will push you toward taking action.
What others think about you doesn’t make you who you are.
The people around you have no idea what passions or purposes are stirring in your heart or the WHY or motivation behind your ideas or dreams. God may have placed these specific dreams on your heart, and if not you, then who? If you don’t fulfill them, then you may lose a chance to have an impact on those around you who are watching you.
4. Don’t wait until you’re ready — you’ll never fully be ready to start
Waiting until you’re ready is an excuse to stay comfortable. I get it. You’re nervous because… What if it doesn’t work? What if you don’t succeed? But what if you do?
Give yourself grace
Maybe you’ve tried to start before and failed and now you’re discouraged. Don’t spend much time dwelling on the past. Let it go and focus on the present moment while working toward the future you want.
Forgive yourself for the time you failed. Take the lessons learned and let them inspire you to try again, this time stronger and wiser. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and let go of the need for perfection.
Most of the things will change over time, and you will adjust as they do. What matters is to start taking action.
Believe in yourself
Do you struggle with seeing yourself as a success who can achieve great things in life? Do you doubt yourself and your abilities? The source of your procrastination problem may lie with a negative mindset.
Sometimes you may need to ask the people who love you to tell you one thing they admire about you and one thing you’re good at. This reminder may be just what you need to start believing in yourself again and to go after what you want. You are unique, don’t compare yourself to others, and practice positive affirmations.
5. Don’t wait until your kids are older — they’re watching you now.
If you have kids, you owe it to them to start! They’re watching you, and they do not care what you say; they watch what you do! If what you are saying you want to do doesn’t line up with the actual action you take, you automatically lose credibility with your kids. They will look past you to find another role model. Is that what you want?
Be their best role model
Win for your kids. Be their example and show them how to succeed. Do your best work for them.
Take them along with you
There are many long-term benefits to sharing your journey of success with your family. Make it a family thing. The best way to learn is through experience.
Give your kids a specific task they can help you with, and take them along on your journey. They will open up to you, and the communication, relationship, and memories will be priceless.
Don’t wait for the right time to start — it won’t come.
Don’t be distracted — Focus on your goals
Don’t wait for approval from others — some will never give it.
Don’t wait until you’re ready — you’ll never be fully ready to start.
Don’t wait until your kids are older — they’re watching you now
Your goals and your dreams are waiting for you. Only you can achieve them, and your future self will thank you for taking action today.
Identifying the causes of your procrastination is a good way to start the journey to beat it. Once you do, be intentional and implement these Top Tips to overcome Procrastination. Taking a little bit of action at a time will lead to a more fulfilling life.
Let go of your excuses, build your confidence, stop listening to the naysayers, and just start! Go after that dream that’s pressing on your heart. Decide to start now, right where you’re at! It’s better than waiting and never starting at all. Just do it – Start today!