Don’t get me wrong, small dreams are not a bad thing, but a larger, more developed dream gives us more to strive for and a richer life experience
So many different people never give themselves permission to dream. They don’t even remember how. They think dreaming big is for kids and they’re too old to dream a new dream. They become stuck in their comfort zone, unfulfilled and unhappy.
Whether it’s in your professional life or personal life, I encourage you to dream big on a regular basis. Even if it seems impossible, setting your sights on something bigger than yourself will inspire you not to settle for less in life.
While big dreams are not always realistic, they’re still worth pursuing. If we don’t give up, we will be pleasantly surprised when we find our dreams coming true. These are the 13 Fabulous Reasons You Should Dream Big in Life.
As you go through this list of the benefits of dreaming big, be inspired to do a visualization exercise of what it would mean and how it would make you feel if you could achieve those big things and ideas you have.
Yes, a lot of work would be needed but hold onto the rewards and sense of accomplishment you’ll have when you chance and achieve your dream. It’s never too late to go after what you really want.
We don’t know what the future will bring. With the right positive belief system, I could be you who realizes your dreams.
Anything is possible in life, no matter your age or circumstances. A large dream takes more courage and gumption. Accomplishing a large dream will give us more satisfaction than a simple, easily achievable dream.
Dreaming big involves having a vision of reaching higher heights of success and living a better life. While you’ll need to go through difficult steps, setbacks, and roadblocks, it will all be worth it.
There are main reasons a challenging dream may be more beneficial than a smaller, easily achieved goal.
1. Dream big because it’s free
The athletes that have won gold medals at the Olympic games had big dreams that they would one day do that and they worked hard, stayed disciplined, and achieved their end goal.
Most things are not free but big dreams certainly are. They open up a world of possibilities which include new skills, relationships, and accomplishments.
2. You live a life without regrets
We all want to leave a legacy for our children and future generations. We want to be remembered for different things that are meaningful to us.
When we go after our biggest goals we achieve great things and live in a new reality. At the end of your life, the only real failure is never having tried to go after your biggest dreams.
3. Dream big and find a sense of accomplishment
Successful people know that it takes hard work to make it in life but they’re willing to sacrifice what’s necessary and go after what they believe in.
When you have a big idea like having your own business, work at it relentlessly knowing that in the end, you’ll receive the reward of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Going after your dreams gives your life purpose and meaning which leads to a happy life.
4. You experience new things when you dream big
Achieving smaller goals is easy and comfortable. But it’s the people who dare to dream big are the ones who change the world. They find new ways to do things and discover great inventions and advancements that cause significant change in their lives, communities, and the world. You can be that person too!
“There’s a way to do it better – find it.”
Thomas Edison
5. Big dreamers go in the right direction in life
One of the most powerful ways to make sure you go on the right path in life is to control your thoughts. How you think impacts your behavior and life experiences.
Dreaming big leads to a growth mindset which is ready and willing to learn and grow from mistakes and move to a better and more successful future. Instead of focusing on your current reality, you develop new belief systems where anything is possible.
6. Dreaming big helps you focus
Having bigger dreams helps you manage your time more effectively. You realize time is a limited resource and value it.
Big dreams help you make wise choices, prioritize, and focus on what truly matters. You don’t sweat the small stuff because you don’t have much time for it but focus on the bigger things in life.
You see, when hunting rabbits in tiger territory, hunters need to be on a constant lookout for tigers. However, when hunting tigers in a rabbit territory, hunters can ignore all the rabbits. Rabbits are harmless!
A big dream can make small “problems” seem to just go away because you’re focused on the tigers — or the big dream — rather than the rabbits — or the problems that pop up along the way. Choose to hunt for tigers and ignore the rabbits.
7. When you dream big you overcome fear
A lot of people are living in fear. It paralyzes them and they never experience all the amazing things life has to offer them. They are afraid that they don’t have what it takes to take the first step and crush the big goals they have.
This continued belief makes them think of the bad things that will happen, worst-case scenarios, and all the reasons why they won’t succeed.
But the truth is when you dream big, you can go out and take action even when you don’t have all the answers or know all the steps to reach your specific goal. This is one of the key strategies to overcome fear in life.
8. Larger dreams have less competition to complete them
More people choose to be average rather than pursue something greater than themselves. Large dreams usually can’t be accomplished on your own, which means you need to rely on others to help support you through them.
Sometimes that’s a hard thing to do but it’s what often leads to the best life. Choosing an easier path often leaves us unfulfilled and frustrated. There’s less competition to go after bigger things because a lot of people settle for less, make excuses, and rarely leave their comfort zone.
They believe that someone else will be better qualified. So dream big because no one else is daring to do it.
9. Dream big to find out what you’re made of
It’s hard to step out of our comfort zone. Your current situation may not be ideal but you become used to it. A large dream that makes us have to do just that. We can accomplish smaller, more attainable goals without getting too uncomfortable or upsetting the status quo.
But big dreamers are drawn to the world of possibilities out there. They make us resilient people who are ready to face difficult tasks, and not give up because we know the hard things will mold us to become better and more successful.
With a larger dream, you’ll find out what you’re made of and meet the real you in the process. Your character will be revealed as you withstand obstacles and distractions along the way because they will come.
Anything worth reaching for will not come without a fight. There will be bumps in the road and issues you didn’t foresee, but if you stick with it, and see it through, you’ll find that you are capable of more than you imagined possible.
If you choose to be average, you remain in a sea of ordinary where everyone blends in and goes with the flow. Did you know that many types of fish swim against the current? Going against the current for us would be hard. Fish go in the opposite direction of what would be comfortable!
When we don’t go after the big things, we are essentially dying in the current, flowing aimlessly downstream. It’s not easy to swim against the current, but it’s harder to make something interesting that’s been done a zillion times.
Why not choose to dream big, take the path less traveled, and swim upstream? Get out of the flow and go after the impossible dreams for they will challenge and change you for the better!
10. Others are more likely to help you
People are more likely to help you achieve big dreams than to aid in minuscule ones. Maybe you’re not thinking about others, but it doesn’t change the fact that they want to feel like they belong and are a part of something bigger.
When I was younger, I loved being on a sports team because it made me feel a part of something bigger than myself. I felt like others were relying on me to succeed because of my attitude and how I played affected the whole team.
It’s more probable that family and good friends will stand by you as you work toward a higher goal because it’s more likely you will need or ask for advice and help. If they feel needed, they will stick with you.
Everyone has a longing to feel needed, and a larger dream will require more out of others. The support of our big dreams is often what makes the difference in achieving them.
11. Dreaming big leads to high self-esteem
A common dream makes you complacent and leads to an unfulfilled life. You are capable of achieving anything even impossible huge dreams.
There is only one you and you have the skills, gifts, beliefs, and right mindset to succeed. When you have a vision of an ultimate goal, it increases your potential and helps you tap into the greatest resources that are within you.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” — Harriet Tubman
12. Dreaming big helps you overcome the fear of failure
Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to a stronger, more tenacious you. It absolutely takes faith to risk more. More is on the line for you, and failure is always a possibility, but the only way you fail is if you quit on yourself.
13. A big dream makes you inspirational
Does a larger dream mean you could experience more ridicule from others? Yup, it sure can! But what you have to remember is that, even if your family or friends are discouraging toward your dreams at first, they actually do want to see you succeed because, if you do, then maybe they can too.
But going after a larger dream can make those around you uncomfortable because you’re becoming an excuse remover for those in your life.
Most people have dreams but they don’t dare to go after them so their dreams never see the light of day. Both the old and young people in your life, community, and the world at large are looking for role models they can point to who have overcome the biggest obstacles in life and come out stronger having achieved their goals and dreams.
I know dreaming huge is a bit scary, and there’s more likelihood that we don’t hit our dreams the first go around, but the growth and change accrued in the process is so worth taking the journey.
The world is waiting for people with bigger ideas and bigger dreams out there. Those are the ones with the ability to make a significant change. Dreams are worth chasing no matter how hard they are.
May these 13 Fabulous Reasons You Should Dream Big in Life inspire and motivate you to have courage and achieve amazing things. You have absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain.
It is about discovering your dreams and taking them from inception to a flourishing finish. If you’re looking to ignite passion and purpose in your life, clarify your unique game plan, and build confidence in who you are, this book will take you there!
Don’t get me wrong, small dreams are not a bad thing, but a larger, more developed dream gives us more to strive for. It gives us a long-term vision and takes us out of our comfort zone, demanding we grow and change. A large dream takes more courage and gumption. Accomplishing a large dream will give us more satisfaction than a simple, easily achievable dream.
There are three main reasons a challenging dream may be more beneficial than a smaller, easily achieved goal:
1. Larger dreams have less competition to complete them
More people choose to be average rather than pursue something greater than themselves. Large dreams usually can’t be accomplished on your own, which means you need to rely on others to help support you through them. Sometimes that’s a hard thing to do.
2. You’ll find out what you’re made of
It’s hard to step out of our comfort zone. A large dream makes us have to do just that. We can accomplish smaller, more attainable goals without getting too uncomfortable or upsetting the status quo. If you choose to be average, you remain in a sea of ordinary where everyone blends in and goes with the flow.
Did you know that many types of fish swim against the current? Going against the current for us would be hard! They go in the opposite direction of what would be comfortable! When we don’t dream huge, we are essentially dying in the current, flowing aimlessly downstream. It’s not easy to swim against the current, but it’s harder to make something interesting that’s been done a zillion times. Why not choose to think bigger and take the path less traveled, and swim upstream? Get out of the flow and find a dream that changes you!
3. Others are more likely to help you
People are more likely to help you achieve larger dreams than to aid in minuscule ones. Maybe you’re not thinking about others, but it doesn’t change the fact that others want to feel like they belong and are a part of something bigger. When I was younger, I loved being on a sports team because it made me feel a part of something bigger than myself. I felt like others were relying on me to succeed because of my attitude and how I played affected the whole team.
It’s more probable that family and friends will stand by you as you work toward a higher goal because it’s more likely you will need or ask for advice and help. If they feel needed, they will stick with you. Everyone has a longing to feel needed, and a larger dream will require more out of others.
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” — Harriet Tubman
Does a larger dream mean you could experience more ridicule from others?
Yup, it sure can! But what you have to remember is that, even if your family or friends are discouraging toward your dreams at first, they actually do want to see you succeed because, if you do, then maybe they can too. But you going after a larger dream can make those around you uncomfortable because you’re becoming an excuse remover for those in your life.
With a larger dream, you’ll find out what you’re made of and meet the real you in the process. Your character will be revealed as you withstand obstacles and distractions along the way because they will come. Anything worth reaching for will not come without a fight. There will be bumps in the road and issues you didn’t foresee, but if you stick with it, and see it through, you’ll find that you are capable of more than you imagined possible.
Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to a stronger, more tenacious you
It absolutely takes faith to risk more. More is on the line for you, and failure is always a possibility, but the only way you fail is if you quit on yourself.
You see, when hunting rabbits in tiger territory, hunters need to be on a constant lookout for tigers. However, when hunting tigers in a rabbit territory, hunters can ignore all the rabbits. Rabbits are harmless! A big dream can make small “problems” seem to just go away because you’re focused on the tigers — or the big dream — rather than the rabbits — or the problems that pop up along the way. Choose to hunt for tigers and ignore the rabbits.
You should dream huge because there is less competition in large dreams, people are more likely to help you achieve larger dreams, and you’ll find out what you’re made of in the process. I know dreaming huge is a bit scary because it takes us out of our comfort zone, and there’s more likelihood that we don’t hit our dreams the first go around, but the change accrued in the process is so worth taking the journey. Don’t wait! Do it now. Dream Huge!
If you feel like you don’t know where to start, or you have a dream but aren’t able to finish, I encourage you to check out my first book, “Mind Over Marathon: Overcoming Mental Barriers in the Race of Life”, and the ebook version is on pre-sale now! It is about discovering your dreams and taking them from inception to a flourishing finish. If you’re looking to ignite passion and purpose in your life, clarify your unique game plan, and build confidence in who you are, this book will take you there!
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