Pursuing Goals God’s Way Podcast

Episodes on the Pursuing Goals God’s Way podcast where we help you turn your passions and purpose into impact and income, all for the glory of God. Your host, Gabe Cox brings you thought process and tangible tips and strategies for achieving your goals and building your online business.

How to Find 6-10 Hours a Week for Your Business (even with your kids at home)

Ep 202 | Struggling to Get Work Done? How to Find 6-10 Hours a Week for Your Business (even with your kids at home)

Hey Winner, Are you struggling to get work done in your online business? Between a new summer routine, kids at home, changes in activities, and all the things, it’s hard to find pockets of time to work unless it’s super early in the morning before everyone wakes up or really late at night once everyone…

5 Steps to Stay on Track When You Want to Achieve Your Food Freedom Goals

Ep 201 | 5 Steps to Stay on Track When You Want to Achieve Your Food Freedom Goals with Andrea Caprio

Hey Winner, An important part of owning an online business is staying healthy to run it. Fueling yourself correctly for maximum energy and endurance is key, and I know first-hand how hard keeping a good food regimen can be.  So many people tell me I’m lucky because I don’t have to watch what I eat,…