How To Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams
It’s important to have big dreams and crush your goals. Achieving them is a rewarding and beautiful thing.
It’s tempting to focus on the destination and fail to Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams. Before we reach the end game we go through tough times, hard work, and setbacks. All the action steps we take to achieve our goals and dreams certainly result in a
But did you know that the process that gets you, there the journey is the most important part of it all? Even successful people know that it’s important to find joy as they move toward the bigger picture.
Most people are focused on the next step toward their desired outcome and miss out on all the wonderful things and valuable lessons on the road to living their best life. The ideal destination is a crucial piece, but once you reach it, you will realize it is the shortest part of the whole process.
The journey itself is the most enjoyable part that brings growth and positive change in our lives. You may not see a plethora of change or much progress throughout that journey, but when you reach the summit, when you get to the destination, you will look back, and you will realize that you are a whole new person, and that is the glory of having a goal.
These are the best tips on How To Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams. You’ll be equipped to embrace the journey you’re on, discover your true self along the way, and keep going in the right direction for the life you want.
Why it’s important to find joy in the Journey
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” –
Ernest Hemingway
Many people have a vision, dreams and goals that they long to achieve. Along the way though we need to take time to enjoy ourselves every step of the way.
Instead of thinking you’ll enjoy life when your kids are out of the baby stage, finish high school, or get a college degree enjoy the journey to that finish line.
You might also be waiting for the time when you get the promotion, dream car, dream house, and dream life but at the end of the day you need to know that journey is what makes the goal worth it in the first place.
We need to be willing to find joy in the process because if we don’t find it during the journey, we won’t have it when we get there either. The reality is if you’re not happy where you are, then you won’t be happy where you’re going.
Tough times will come as you go after that big dream but if you endure the trials with a joyful heart, when you get to the top, it’s even more rewarding because you know that you earned it. You know the process has changed you.
Growth happens mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as we learn new skills for coping with the biggest challenge we face. You learn valuable lessons that will help you as you move in the direction of your dreams.
How To Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams.
It’s a good thing to have a burning desire to crush your goals. Then depending on the time frame, after all the weeks, months, or years of hard work, you realize that achieving the goal isn’t as exciting as you expected.
You decide to move to a new dream and get back in the rat race again. This can go on and on and can result in burnout and frustration.
A better way to live is to pursue your dreams while enjoying the journey and processing all the lessons along the way. These are the best tips on How To Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams.
Practice Gratitude
Live life with gratitude and don’t focus on what you don’t have. Appreciate the small and bigger things that you’ve been blessed with and enjoy them. Reaching the finish line isn’t the only time to be happy, you can be happy along the way.
Gratitude is a good way to overcome comparison. If you’re on social media you’d know that people share their highlights and different parts of their journeys. Focus on where you are in your own journey.
Using a gratitude journal is one of the good habits to overcome negative thoughts. On a bad day, you can look back and be reminded of all that’s going right in your life.
Positive people are more confident, have less stress, and are healthier. Such people are better able to cope in tough times. They know their happiness comes from within not in the achievement of great things.
Embrace challenges and mistakes
Challenges and mistakes are part of living. While they can discourage you and delay your journey to your goals, the Bible has good news for us.
One of my favorite Bible verses that mention joy is from James 1:2-4 (NIV). This is what it says.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”.
James 1:2-4 (NIV)
I will let you in on a secret that scripture holds for us. Joy is not dependent on your circumstances. Joy comes from within! It’s a little thing but it makes us persevere and builds our character when we face a challenging time.
Our joy comes from the Lord’s presence. He leads us in the right direction and helps us see that every obstacle and mistake is a stepping stone toward greatness.
Relax and do something you enjoy
Take a break and unplug from working on your goals all the time and do something you enjoy. It could be going to a social event and meeting new people, walking in nature, treating yourself to a spa day, going out with your friend, or staying in and reading a book.
Intentionally make time to do what you like and live a happy life.
You can even get out of your comfort zone, explore, and try new things. You’ll come back refreshed, with more clarity and focus giving you a chance at achieving greater success.
Set smaller goals
As part of the goal-setting process, break long-term goals that may take months or a couple of years into small goals and milestones that are easy to reach.
Having a plan of action towards these achievable goals allows you to get better results and recognize the progress you’re making toward your big dream.
These short-term goals are a great way to stay motivated and enjoy the journey towards the finish line. Unrealistic goals end up demotivating you and lead you to despair and likely to give up along the way.
Establish a routine for yourself
Having daily routines in all areas of your life helps to build structure and makes you live a happy life. It reduces stress and anxiety, helps you focus, and makes you more productive in your personal life. You’ll be able to achieve your goals and dreams and embrace the journey along the way.
Stay in the present moment
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the pursuit of your dreams, the best way to enjoy the journey is to stay in the present. When you’re with your family members be there with them fully and enjoy their company.
One time while I was sitting near Lake Tahoe on a rock in the water. This is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. The water is crystal, with parts that are brilliant blues and greens, and the mountains in the landscape are magnificent with snow caps on top. The coloring is just breathtaking, and the pictures don’t do it justice.
I realized I wasn’t anywhere near the summit. If all I did was focus on the top but not enjoy the view along the way, I would have been missing out on breathtaking, mind-boggling, no-words-can-express views.
Staying in the present means doing things more slowly, experiencing the fullness of life, and not getting caught up in the frustrating burnout culture. Savor every single moment you have. Be patient with yourself and the process. Engage fully with the great people around you.
The important thing is to take a deep breath, learn, grow, stay curious, and focus on one task at a time. It may take a long time but you’ll get to accomplish your dreams and goals, but for now, cherish the moments on the journey.
Celebrate accomplishments and setbacks
Accomplishing small steps, and mile markers towards a big goal is a great achievement that should be celebrated. Allow yourself the chance to do something you enjoy, something meaningful and rewarding to celebrate the small victories.
You can also celebrate setbacks and failures because they’re an opportunity to learn, grow, and gain some valuable insights and wisdom.
Finding joy even in the setbacks and obstacles of life flips a switch in our brains and helps us have a different perspective which helps to overcome the fear of failure.
Choose to be joyful
Many of us will blame people and circumstances when things do not go our way. Oftentimes, we are absolutely correct. Many situations are completely out of our control.
Does this mean we give up, pout, and refuse to continue? Do we plod along in frustration, our heads bent to the wind and our hearts cold? No!
I broke my ankle a few winters ago and it was a wall that got in the way of my goals. I could have chosen to be miserable and go into that downward spiral of depression, and no one would have blamed me. Rather, I chose to find joy in the midst of it all. Many people don’t realize that joy is a choice, but it is!
Some positives came out of this injury. I had the time to slow down, and it was probably an important time in my life to do just that and reflect on what truly is important.
I had time to sift through all the responsibilities in my life and figure out what roles I needed to keep and what I needed to let go of.
The injury gave me more time with my kids to be more present with them. It also helped me to reflect on my goals, especially in running.
Joy is a choice. You can choose to be unhappy, angry, and frustrated or you can choose joy. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be happy, finding joy in a rough situation or the mundane.
Don’t focus on that obstacle or how much pain you’re going through, rather choose joy every single day.
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
(Philippians 4:4 NIV)
Will You Find Joy In The Journey?
It’s great to focus on that ideal destination, that end goal, but don’t forget about the journey that takes you there. Don’t forget to enjoy the sites, to take in those breathtaking views, and to enjoy that growth along the way.
Wondering How To Enjoy The Journey To Your Goals and Dreams.? Be grateful, set routines, choose joy, set smaller goals, and stay in the present.
You also need to embrace challenges, failures, and mistakes, celebrate small victories, relax, and unplug and you’ll surely find the clarity, motivation and focus to keep going.
How will you find joy in your journey?
Organize Your Business & Life (free resource!)
Do you feel overwhelmed by all your day-to-day and work to-dos? Are you having a hard time prioritizing what to do next so you’re not doing anything at all? What if I told you that you can set it and forget it when it comes to those recurring life tasks and not have to keep those worries in your head?
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There is a simple way to do just that.
This simple 3-step method to organize your life and business with Asana will help you NOT lay awake at night trying to remember not to forget all the things you have to do the next day or week or well into the future.
You can fall asleep stress-free knowing your organized workflow will be there waiting for you in the morning. When you’re organized, you can find the joy in your goals and dreams.