10 Best Strategies to Overcome Life’s Roadblocks
There are many types of challenges we face in life. Some are small and easy to overcome using your own abilities and some are difficult and will need you to reach out and get help and support from others.
You may be feeling stuck or going through a lack of motivation at work. You may have financial stress and are stuck on where you’re going to get income for your needs.
It could be a health challenge or an unfulfilling job. A roadblock makes you feel exhausted, deflated, and unsure about the way forward.
It’s important to remember that most successful people have hit low points in their lives yet they didn’t quit when they faced roadblocks to their dreams.
These are the 10 Best Strategies to overcome life’s Roadblocks so you don’t become sidetracked or distracted on the road to your end goal.
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re working towards your goals and life’s challenges get in the way. But look at it differently. The stumbling blocks could be an opportunity to learn new skills, learn to overcome fear, or develop new ways of thinking.
The bottom line is you can find yourself in a better place than before when you have a better approach to dealing with setbacks. These Effective Strategies to overcome life’s roadblocks show us the power of using obstacles as an opportunity for personal growth.
RELATED: Grow Through What You Go Through
I once had to overcome a roadblock in my life
I broke my ankle several years ago. After a few months, I began the process of learning how to run again, and I’m telling you, it was a hard journey. The most frustrating part of my injury is that I felt like I should be farther along.
It was almost easier knowing I couldn’t run than now getting back into it expecting that I should be practicing for an upcoming running race. l was frustrated because the healing journey took longer than expected. This was a big test of my patience.
I know you can relate.
I’m pretty sure I’m speaking right to you, and you’re thinking of something frustrating you because you feel like you’re working, working, working, but you’re not seeing the results you want quite yet, though you feel like you should have arrived already.
Give me a “uhuh” in the comments below if you know what I’m talking about. Here’s the thing. When something happens — I’m talking injury now, but it could be any roadblock — we don’t go back to normal just like that.
It takes time and patience. It takes work to get back to where we were and beyond. Usually, it’s not an easy road.
It doesn’t mean we can’t get there, but it does mean that it’s going to take time to do it, and that can become so frustrating! Especially when you were so fit and healthy before the injury, and you find yourself unable to do what you want to do.
That’s the definition of frustrating! I get it! I was right there too. Frustration comes when we are unable to do what we think we should be able to do. Frustration can hit at any level.
So how do we push through and get on the other side of it? I will be sharing some good tips that I learned on my journey when I went through this setback.
Frustration comes when we are unable to do what we think we should be able to do. Frustration can hit at any level. So how do we push through and get on the other side of it?
10 Best Strategies to overcome life’s roadblocks
There are usually life challenges between you and your dream life. When you take a deep breath and look at the curve ball with the right mindset you can remain calm under pressure and find the best approach for the situation.
Roadblocks can be external and internal. The external roadblocks are situations we can’t control like the economy or natural disasters.
The internal roadblocks are things we have control over. These are common obstacles that make you get in your way like poor habits, fear of failure, making excuses, time management, or lack of skills. These are things we can change through our actions and behaviors so that we’re not getting in the way of our success.
With that said, are you ready for the 10 Most Effective Strategies to overcome life’s roadblocks? Let’s dive in.
Begin a gratitude journal
Reflect on the good in your life. If you stop to think about these things, you’ll realize that even in the midst of injury, you have much to be grateful for.
Every day write down one to three positive things you’re thankful for. Some days you may have to dig deep to find something, but do it anyway.
Reflect on the great things in your life. If you stop to think about these things, you’ll realize, even during life’s challenges that, you have much to be grateful for. There’s always a silver lining.
Every day, take your gratitude journal and write down one to three positive things you’re thankful for. Some days you may have to dig deep to find something, but do it anyway.
When I had an injury, the following list were some of the things I wrote in my journal:
- I’m grateful it was only my ankle. It will heal, and it could have been much worse.
- I’m grateful for good friends who brought me meals or just came for a visit so I wouldn’t be lonely.
- I’m grateful for an understanding husband who could take my frustrations because many times that’s who I let it all out on.
- I’m grateful my kids helped out around the house. My oldest learned how to do the laundry since I couldn’t climb down the stairs to do it, and he still does it every week, mostly unprompted!
- I’m grateful for a running community that encourages me to continue to grow stronger and not quit.
- I’m sometimes grateful for the injury itself because, even though I wouldn’t have asked for it to happen, and it honestly stinks, I have learned more about myself and how to overcome it in the last seven months than I have in a long time. I also know life would have continued to just be a never-ending busy season for me had I not had to slow down and reflect on what’s truly important.
Take the time to assess your life
When you go through obstacles, this may be a perfect moment to pause and reflect on your life and where you are.
Are you where you should be in life? Are you doing the most important thing? Where’s your focus? Is it in the right place? Are you headed in the right direction toward your dreams?
Take the time to assess if there’s anything you can or should let go of and just do it. Are there better ways to achieve your goals? Are there new things you could try in your daily routine? Become creative, think outside the box, and brainstorm alternative paths to the finish line.
While recovering from my injury, I had time to look at my life and shuffle things around. I was able to eliminate some things that weren’t what I needed to be doing and weren’t driving my greater vision.
I had been going, going, going, and never really seemed to find rest, which in turn meant no peace and less joy.
We weren’t made to be busy and stressed all the time. Even though it seems normal, it’s not! Injury stinks, and it was a roadblock in my running journey but started to see new ideas and possibilities. I worked on intentionally creating a simpler, more peaceful life.
A Positive Mindset is an Effective Strategy to overcome life’s roadblocks
I’m a big believer that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. There’s always a silver lining. This has been one of the most powerful tools that has allowed me to overcome challenges and setbacks. When l had an injury l had to believe that l would run again and l did.
Intentionally practice turning negative thoughts into positive ones. Surround yourself with positive people who look to the future with optimism. Despite the roadblocks you’re facing, what you think is what becomes your reality.
Are you where you should be? Are you doing the most important thing? Where’s your focus? Is it in the right place?
While recovering, I’ve had time to look at my life and shuffle things around. I’ve been able to eliminate some things that aren’t what I need to be doing and aren’t driving my greater vision. I’ve been going, going, going, and never really seem to find rest, which in turn means no peace and less joy.
We weren’t made to be busy and stressed all the time. Even though it seems normal, it’s not! Injury stinks, but let it work on you and create a simpler life, a peaceful life. Assess if there’s anything you can or should let go of and just do it.
RELATED: Find Joy In The Journey
Find a New Passion
There are various career roadblocks you may be facing such as dealing with a difficult boss, conflict with colleagues, budget cuts, on lack of opportunities to reach the next level in your career. You find yourself frustrated, questioning your own abilities, and with a lack of motivation.
If you’re going through a career setback and it’s something outside of your control, you can look at other passions in your personal life that you have or could develop. This could be painting, volunteering, photography, or gardening.
The good news is these new experiences outside of work are a great way to give you a positive sense of self which leads to developing a positive attitude, meeting new people, and having a better work-life balance. You may even meet new professional contacts who will propel you to the next opportunity.
If we choose to find a passion in the meantime, we will be victorious and maybe even find a love for something we didn’t know we had a gift for.
Running has been a huge part of my life, and when all of a sudden it was taken away, l went through a really hard time. It was like I lost a part of myself. I went from running an average of 6-8 miles a day to nothing. I went from working out at least an hour a day to struggling to complete 15 minutes a few times a week.
My VO2 Max dropped from a 52 down to a 40. I lost my passion for running or even just working out for a time. Thankfully, it wasn’t forever, and I started running about 6-10 minutes three days a week. Now that doesn’t sound like much, but to me it was progress
RELATED: What Does Progress Look Like?
But in order to keep from going in a downward spiral and letting my injury lead to depression, I chose to find a new passion that could take the place of running for a time. I began writing more and found so much joy in it again! I began to realize the gift I hadn’t been using the way I should have been, but the love for writing came flowing back.
What’s a passion you have or could develop? Replacing running with writing helped me take my focus off my injury and how miserable I could have been had I chosen to wallow in my misfortune. I choose to live positively through it and grow my mental toughness even more. An injury will do that for you if you allow it to.
Remember that Obstacles are Temporary
There are so many types of challenges we go through in life — some much larger or more traumatic than others but they’re temporary. If we develop an optimistic outlook and choose to use them as learning experiences, we will get through them.
It doesn’t mean we won’t have frustration or bad days (I’ve had many of those), but it does mean that we rise above them, let them work on us, and choose to focus our attention on the good in our lives instead of our setback we will be victorious.
Recovery from injury or life’s issues takes time and patience. Tears will come, frustrations will linger, but they don’t have to define you.
“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.”
Author T.F. Hodge
Ask For Help
When you go through a specific challenge fear may arise and you wonder if and how you’ll resolve it. Whether it’s fear of the unknown or fear of failure, it blocks you from coming up with logical solutions. When you overcome fear by facing it head-on and you’ll realize that it isn’t as scary as you thought.
One of the best strategies to overcome roadblocks in your life is to ask for help in facing the fear or challenge. Everyone goes through challenges. Even successful people.
People may not be sharing their difficult time on social media but the truth is you’re not alone. Reach out to a safe community and network and have a platform to express your feelings, fears, and what you’re going through.
Never be ashamed to ask for her. It could be a mentor, friend, great teacher, or your pastor. As long as you’re comfortable to open up and allow someone to walk with you and take baby steps towards overcoming the setbacks.
You can also get professional help from a counselor or coach. They’ll help you see things in a new light, give you feedback, brainstorm possible solutions to the challenge, and support you to reach your end goal.
Break down the challenge into small steps
There’s an old adage that says: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” Now I’m not encouraging you to actually eat an elephant but the idea is when a roadblock is big and overwhelming, it helps to break it down into smaller manageable parts that are solved individually.
Next time you have a big challenge, write a to-do list and be clear on how each small step ladders up to solving the big problem. This provides motivation, maintains productivity and momentum, and makes small progress daily toward your goals.
Keep Your Eyes On the Finish Line
When you come across stumbling blocks on your journey to crushing your goals, it’s easy to lose sight of your vision and the big picture of where you’re headed. It’s important to pause and visualize your big dream again and each stepping stone you need to take.
Picture yourself overcoming the obstacles ahead and reaching the finish line. This enables you to develop a positive mindset and keeps you motivated to take action and look at the situation from different perspectives.
You then develop a growth mindset where you’re able to learn from failures and challenges, adapt to changes, and become persistent.
Look up to role models and positive people like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and Oprah Winfrey whose hard work, persistence, and focus on the finish line helped them come up with novel solutions to problems and changed the course of history.
Overcome Roadblocks By Remembering Your Purpose
In difficult times, your “Why” or your purpose becomes important. When you’re feeling stuck or can barely move, your why will keep you going. Your why will help you to take the first step to get the ball rolling toward your goals.
It will push you out of your comfort zone and motivate you to tackle any challenges and setbacks you’re facing.
It will remind you that it’s not all about you but there’s a bigger assignment and purpose that you need to fulfill on earth and you can’t give up until you accomplish it. Have your why in front of you always.
Consider moving your body
When you’re going through a tough time, moving your body is the best way to relieve stress and think more creatively. You become more energetic as you exercise.
This could be a walk, taking a class, running with friends, swimming, dancing, hiking, or riding your bike. Choose your own preferences and do what brings you joy.
The bottom line is you’ll improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. When you’re healthier and stronger you can overcome obstacles that come your way.
Life is full of ups and downs. When you go through challenges you may feel like you have to start over again and this leaves you deflated and discouraged.
But the truth is with a different perspective, you can realize all the personal growth, lessons, and momentum you’ve gained and overcome the setback before you.
It’s easy to quit when we go through the most challenging time but those who give up never realize their dreams and reach the finish line. If you give up you won’t overcome the roadblock or even learn from it.
If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed with the challenges, then why not try one of these 10 Best Strategies to overcome life’s roadblocks?
They include starting a gratitude journal, developing a positive mindset, reflection, finding a new passion, asking for help, and moving your body. You also need to remember that challenges are temporary, your purpose, break the challenge into small steps and focus on the finish line.
Organize Your Biz & Life (free resource)
Do you feel overwhelmed by all your day-to-day and work to-dos? Are you having a hard time prioritizing what to do next so you’re not doing anything at all?
What if I told you that you can set it and forget it when it comes to those recurring life tasks and not have to keep those worries in your head? What if I told you that you could do the same thing for your work or business to keep you organized and feeling in control of your to-do list?
There is a simple way to do just that.
This simple 3-step method to organize your life and business with Asana will help you NOT lay awake at night trying to remember not to forget all the things you have to do the next day or week or well into the future. You can fall asleep stress-free knowing your organized workflow will be there waiting for you in the morning.
3 simple steps to take you from squirrel brain with your to-dos to feeling like you have more time for what matters most!
The “Organize Your Life & Biz” resources will walk you through:
- Building out one stomping ground for everything going on in your life!
- Creating your year-at-a-glance strategy board
- Making it your own and build the habit to utilize it