The Power of Your Circle on Your Goals and Success
The people we surround ourselves with can profoundly impact our journey toward success. Our inner circle shapes our behaviors, habits, character, and, ultimately, our destiny.
That’s why we must evaluate the individuals in our professional and social circle based on their mindset, values, support, accountability, growth orientation, and encouragement.
Surrounding yourself with people who are positive leads you to have a positive attitude and you feel empowered to dream, strive for more, and be motivated. They lift you and you benefit from their knowledge, wisdom, and connections.
Those who are negative and narrow-minded end up draining your energy and discouraging you. These people can gradually destroy your self-esteem, confidence, and ability to achieve your dreams through their criticism and skepticism. Their negative perceptions lead to self-doubt and self-sabotage, increasing stress levels and insecurity.
That’s why it’s important to be aware of The Power of Your Circle on Your Goals and Success. The direction of your life and ability to reach your full potential is greatly influenced by those you surround yourself with.
The Impact of Your Inner Circle
Have you ever had a friend you spent so much time with that you started talking and sounding alike? People probably started mistaking you for sisters or brothers. Did you know that’s because you naturally become like those you surround yourself with most?
I went south to Texas for college. I’m from Minne-SNOW-ta, so I was ready to get out of the cold! From the moment I stepped onto campus, I can’t even count how many people commented on my accent. I felt like I was from a foreign country!
Once they learned I was Minnesotan, it was natural to hear, “Like from the movie Fargo?!” Now — side note — if you know your geography, Fargo is not in Minnesota! It’s actually hours away in North Dakota.
Do you remember the children’s television show, “Bobby’s World”? If you’re my age, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re younger, I’m just aging myself. But, I’m not kidding you when I say I sounded just like Bobby’s mom.
It went a little something like this: “Oh, my Bobby, you know, just my little buzz buzz, don’t-cha know. I just think this is such a Jim Dandy idea! I just don’t have time for these gee golly … Oh I suppose you’re right!” It sounds like I’m exaggerating, but sadly, I’m not. I am so Minnesotan through and through.
Anyway, let’s get to the point. After being surrounded by new friends with the defined Texan accent and crazy phrases, when I’d travel back home on breaks, all my Minnesotan friends thought I sounded Texan!
Did I really? No, I just added “y’all” and “fixin to” and “all of y’all” into my vocabulary (something I promised myself I’d never do because I thought it was completely weird)!
So instead of sounding Minnesotan or Texan, I sounded like a crazy mut! It went something like this: “Oh my goodness, dontcha know that I’m fixin’ to go out with all of y’all and have a gee golly good time?”
Why did I sound so much different to my old friends? Here’s why. I was influenced by the ones I surrounded myself with in college, and I slowly changed to fit that mold.
It’s said that you become like the few people you surround yourself with most, and I know this example is a bit strange, but it’s so true!
We become like those we choose to surround ourselves with. Because of this, it’s important to choose wisely your close friends and your association.
“It is better to be alone than in the wrong company. Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are. If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl, but if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.”
— Anonymous
The Power of Your Circle on Your Goals and Success
Our inner circle consists of the people we spend the most time with, such as family members, friends, colleagues, coaches, and mentors. These individuals regularly influence our beliefs, attitudes, moods, choices, and the expectations we have of ourselves and how we view the world.
Who you associate with has a huge influence on your life and the direction you want to take. Whether it’s professional or social connections these small groups of people affect your mood and mindset.
Their positive influences and constructive feedback help us grow and evolve. Our connections have the power to shape our lives in ways we may not even realize
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”
Jim Rohn, a renowned American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker
The power of your inner circle is in how it impacts you in achieving your goals and dreams. These are 5 different ways they do that.
They boost your morale
The types of people that are in your inner circle should be those with similar goals. These like-minded individuals must be able to inspire you to achieve your dreams. A positive inner circle will encourage you, and help you see things from different perspectives.
These people must be willing to celebrate your victories. This boosts your morale and encourages you to stay motivated and focused toward achieving your goals.
Your inner circle provides growth opportunities
Your close friends, mentors, and social networks provide opportunities for professional and personal growth. They open doors to wider networks and associations, broaden your horizons, and help you explore new avenues for growth.
They encourage you to take smart risks and make good decisions. They are on your side and want to see you becoming better.
When you surround yourself with ambitious individuals, who share your values and goals, it’s a powerful force that propels you toward success. You’ll be able to step outside of your comfort zone and reach greater heights. They give you the confidence and encouragement to embrace new opportunities.
Your circle plays a significant role in tough times
These people will hold you accountable, encourage you in a hard time, and give you wise advice and counsel when you need it. They are your cheerleaders and provide physical and emotional support.
Goal-driven individuals propel you toward greater success and empower you to overcome the roadblocks in the way. You can be encouraged to bounce back from setbacks, make better choices, and keep moving towards your goals.
Your connections must be supportive
Your circle should have supportive people who create an environment where everyone pushes each other to personal and business success. It must be a network that can give you the support and guidance you need on the journey to your dreams.
Their advice, connections, experience, and expertise help you navigate the challenges you’ll encounter and make the right decisions. Learning from the experience of others saves you time, money, effort, and potentially costly mistakes.
The circle you’re in should improve your well-being
Negative people will make you lose sight of your strengths, skills, and talents. Their discouragement can leave us defeated, disconnected, and deprived of the support we need to thrive and become our best selves. Ultimately they affect our emotional well-being, mental health, and personal life negatively
The positive presence of your social circle should make you feel more connected to others which improves your sense of belonging, happiness, and fulfillment in life.
A strong inner circle with meaningful relationships impacts your mental health and overall well-being. Their love and support will lift you, and extend compassion and guidance when you need it more.
The safe space they provide helps to reduce stress and increase your well-being, and resilience. If the positive energy in your circle is contagious it boosts your mood and confidence.
How to improve your circle
“The only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your relationship, is that you must raise your standards”.
Tony Robbins
The standards you have for yourself, your business, and the people you associate with must be high and continually elevating as you grow. So what are some practical ways you can start elevating the standards of the people you are surrounded by?
Do an audit on your current circle of influence
The first step is to take some time to think about what you want your life to look like. What is your vision? Who do you want others to see you as? What do you want to be known for? How successful do you want to be?
Now, write down the names of the five people you interact with the most. Your inner circle has a profound impact on your mindset, mood, and motivation.
The right people will support your goals and dreams and play a crucial role in your personal and professional development. They can spark creativity, and challenge your thinking.
Be honest as you answer each important question below:
- Are they in life where you want to be?
- Are they moving forward and wanting to grow? Are they the person you strive to be?
- Do you feel uplifted and motivated when you’re around them or drained? What kind of energy do they bring?
- Are you genuine and authentic around them or do you pretend to be someone else?
- How do they influence your goals, beliefs, or vision?
- Are they supportive of your dreams or do they discourage you from pursuing them?
- Do they inspire you to achieve personal development or discourage you?
- Do you feel better about yourself when you leave them or worse?
If each of these people inspires and motivates you to be better and to achieve greater success in the future, good for you. Your association sounds like it’s intact.
If they aren’t making you a better person, then you might need to reassess how much time you spend with them.
Take an online audit
Next, you need to know that the people you interact with online also play a vital role in your life. What message are they sending to help or hinder you from achieving your goals, and your beliefs? Do they uplift or motivate you?
We spend time in online communities on social media, listen to podcasts, and follow influencers who may be having negative influences on our attitudes and behavior. To become the best version of yourself the next step may be to unfollow, unfriend some people, and leave some groups.
Minimize your interactions with negative people
You might have professional or social connections who bring you down, cloud your judgment, and drain your energy and motivation. These people may mock your dreams or constantly criticize you. They will hinder your progress and stop you from realizing your goals and dreams and reaching your full potential.
Set boundaries with such negative people, let go of toxic friendships, and take steps to build positive relationships. It’s better to have a few right friends than a lot of wrong friends.
You can also consider having an honest conversation about how harmful and hurtful their behavior and attitude as they may not even realize what they’re doing. This can help to turn their personality around and start making the necessary changes and adjustments.
Create a supportive and positive circle
If your circle is currently harming your mental and physical health, it might be time to build a new circle. Start connecting with people who bring positive changes in your own life.
These are the ambitious individuals who set big dreams and take action to achieve them. They increase your standards and can take the role of accountability partner, helping you stick to your goals.
Build strong relationships with those who provide a supportive environment for you to thrive in. They may even share your hobbies and interests. These amazing people celebrate your small wins and big wins and complement your life.
Friendship goals take intention, effort, and mutual respect. Nurturing connections with different people is vital to achieving your goals.
You need to invest time and energy to cultivate friendships so that they thrive and flourish. Schedule regular social interactions with people as you invest in your mental health and emotional well-being.
Commit to your personal growth
My guess is, if you were to really look at the five people who you surround yourself with the most, they are driving the same types of cars, living in the same size houses, have a similar career or salary, and so on. If that’s where you want to be, great.
“If we’re the smartest person in the room, we’re really not using those smarts.”
But if you want more, find a couple of people who are further along than you and choose to associate with them. Find out what they know. Learn from them. Grow with them. Read their books.
One of the best ways to be successful is to learn from the experiences of others. These can be coaches, teachers, mentors, or good friends who inspire us to be better.
Successful entrepreneurs and smart women like yourself surround themselves with someone more successful and more intelligent than themselves because they know it’s beneficial and that it is the key to growth.
Find someone who aligns with your goals, values, and vision. Look for those who’ve achieved what you want to accomplish as they’ll provide you with the tools, mindset, and habits for success.
Join existing networks online and offline
Invest in expanding your network online and offline with people that have similar interests to yours. It’s one of the key components of achieving personal and professional success.
This may mean stepping outside of your comfort zone but it’s necessary as it opens your mind to new possibilities.
Online platforms and networks on social media can provide new connections, new perspectives, ideas, and potential collaborations with new mentors and role models.
For example on LinkedIn, you can connect with a broad range of supportive individuals who can play a vital role in your professional and personal development. You’ll find potential clients, share your knowledge and expertise, and connect with industry leaders.
You can join a community such as the Red Hot Accountability Club to build your networks, achieve your personal and professional goals, and learn from other like-minded individuals.
Attend networking events happening in real life. They are another effective way of meeting new people and forming meaningful connections. These could be conferences, workshops, group training sessions, or industry events.
You can increase your visibility, open doors for mentorships with successful people, stay ahead of current events, find potential collaborations and partnerships, and develop fresh perspectives, new ideas, and valuable insights in your area of influence.
It’s important to know The Power of Your Circle on Your Goals and Success. They play an important factor in your beliefs, and attitudes, and inspire you to be your best self. They shape our character, values, and destiny.
Those we choose to surround ourselves with can dramatically influence our chances of success in various aspects of life. There are 5 key ways they do that. They can boost your morale, provide growth opportunities, create a supportive environment for you to thrive, encourage you in touch times, and improve your overall health and well-being.
To improve your circle today, do an audit of your current network online and offline, and spend less time with negative people and more time with positive people. You can also join existing networks, and invest in your personal growth.
With a supportive circle, we can focus on our goals, achieve greater success, and become the best versions of ourselves.
Red Hot Accountability Club
You have your goals in front of you! You may even have a good strategic plan to follow to achieve them! But you’re feeling a little lonely in the online space and sick of the hustle culture telling you to do more.
If so, then the Red Hot Accountability Club might be just what you need!
A safe space. A faith space. A friendly space. A forward momentum space.
Find community and coaching support inside the group coaching membership so you can lean on others and be inspired to continue working on your goals in the season you’re in with the capacity you have – ditching the stress and hustle altogether! (and ditching social media for business if you want to!)
You CAN work your goals into your lifestyle without sacrificing everything to achieve them.
If you are looking for a positive online community and group coaching experience, come hang out with us in the Red Hot Accountability Club!
Remember, you are a winner. Just run YOUR race!