The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams
Would you like to understand The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams? You’re in the right place. Let’s dive in.
Creating a vision board is an empowering way to bring your dreams into reality. It’s a powerful tool that helps you stay focused on your goals and create the life you want. It’s a reminder to take the necessary steps towards your aspirations.
The idea of vision boards may seem like a waste but it’s a meaningful exercise that serves as a compass guiding the actions you’ll take daily. Looking at your ideal life enables you to gain a deeper understanding of what really matters to you. It changes your life and has an impact on others too.
The purpose of your vision board is to bring your dreams to life. This visual representation of your goals and aspirations reflects what you want to achieve or experience in life. It helps you to stay on track and make progress towards your desires.
When you understand The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams it becomes a game changer. Your mind becomes set on what your best life looks like, you can then develop a strategy and game plan to achieve it. All in all, it evokes positive emotions and happy vibes.
What is a Vision Board?
A vision which is also called a mood board, goal board, dream board, action board, or journey board is a collage of images, quotes, and affirmations that represent your goals and dreams. It’s a big picture of your dream life over the next year or so.
It’s a powerful tool that helps inspire you to manifest your desires into reality. Visualization is a great way to cultivate a mindset of possibilities. Looking at a vision board keeps goals top of mind and makes them more achievable.
They’re daily reminders of the life you want to create. Vision boards are a planning tool to support your goal-setting process. It allows you to clarify and concentrate on specific aspirations and goals.
You can make a physical vision board on a corkboard or poster board or a digital vision board on your phone using a tool like Canva.
Successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, Jim Carrey, and many elite athletes have spoken about the power of vision boards in helping them realize their big dreams and take their lives to the next level.
It’s important to note here that a vision board is a living thing. You can remove some visual images and words once you’ve achieved them or they’re no longer relevant. You can also add new things that have become important in your life.
My Own Vision Board Helped Me Realize My Dream
I had a specific life goal l always dreamed of realizing. It was completing the Boston Marathon. While I was training to qualify for the Boston Marathon, I made a 12×12 scrapbook page with my goal boldly written on it.
On the page, I placed my time goal, a logo of the symbolic race, and a map of the Boston race course. I developed this dream board with my goal attached. Then I hung it on my kitchen wall so I was forced to see it every time I walked by. There was no missing it.
By the time race day came, and I was on that starting line, I knew that I knew that I knew that I would hit my time goal. Picturing it so many times and putting in the physical hours of training, there was no way it wasn’t going to work for me. Personally, it wouldn’t be allowed.
I let those images I had posted months before burn into my mind and drive me through the race — especially in the many moments that I struggled to continue.
It was no surprise when I crossed the finish line at my exact goal time. I had emotionalized what it would feel like to hit that massive goal for so long, that it panned out almost exactly as I had seen it during each of my long training runs.
The tears that streamed while crossing the finish line were the same tears I had while visualizing myself actually making my dream come true. I felt it in my entire being, and I wouldn’t be denied. This is the power of putting your dream in front of you in picture form.
This works for business goals, personal goals, financial goals, and family dreams. It works for those who work it. The secret is that after seeing the pictures for so long, you begin to feel worthy and confident in your dreams. And that’s what matters.
The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams
Have you taken the time to really sit and think about the dreams stirring in your heart? Have you imagined what it would be like to attain them? Or are you usually too worried about taking care of everyone else around you and meeting the needs of your family that you’ve forgotten to take that time for yourself?
I know I’ve struggled with the idea of not wanting to disappoint others and chosen to put their best over my own. But here’s the thing. It’s time to really make that shift and ensure that we are being filled as well. We cannot continue to give unless we are being filled.
Take charge of your dreams, develop them, and create a vision for your own future. This is How to use The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams.
Vision boards give you positive energy and thoughts
Pictures inspire and evoke different emotions and feelings such as enthusiasm and excitement. Engaging with action boards creates a positive mindset aligned with your desires. Positive energy and positive thoughts are the best way to strengthen your belief that you can crush your important life goals.
The Power of a Vision Board is it motivates you
When you look at your ideal life daily it propels you forward so that you take the necessary action to create the life you want. Keeping your goals at the forefront helps you stay connected to your deepest desires and increases your chances of achieving them.
Vision Boards are a constant source of inspiration
Visually representing your desired outcomes enables you to imagine yourself experiencing a different life which becomes a source of inspiration.
Seeing a visual roadmap of your desires encourages you to let go of fears and doubts and believe that anything is possible. Inspiration boosts your mood and promotes happy vibes.
They help you stay focused
When obstacles, distractions, and roadblocks come your way and you start to lose your passion for your dream, your vision board will reignite that fire and passion in you. They act as daily reminders to align your thoughts and actions toward your biggest goals.
Placing the mood board in a prominent place helps you engage in short visualization and goal-setting exercises throughout the day. This reminds you of what’s important, the bigger picture, your ultimate purpose and not to sweat the small stuff.
The Power of a Vision Board is it provides Clarity
What is it that you truly want? What are your goals? What are your dreams? Do they seem far-fetched and out of reach at this very moment? Do you have a clear picture of them, or do they still seem too far off in the distance?
A clear picture provides a clear direction. It makes you see what you really want your life to look and feel like. When we have a clear picture of what we are striving for, it really opens us up to envision our dreams as if we already have them.
It helps us to emotionalize them and puts us in the moment of our vision coming true. It draws out the raw emotion behind the dream itself.
Vision boards help you remain clear on your goals and priorities even when everything else is uncertain. Clear intentions lead to clear goals which move your dreams from wishes to actual realization.
It propels you to take action
Vision boards are a powerful visualization tool that encourages you to take action, make decisions, and put in the hard work that is essential to achieve your goals.
They make it easier for us to identify the resources in our environment that will help us make real progress toward our dreams.
Action with visualization will create a burning fire inside of you to find a way for you to realize your dreams. That’s the beauty in it. The two work together for you.
It promotes creativity
The process of coming up with vision board ideas gives you the space for creativity and self-expression. Collecting and arranging images, inspirational quotes, and images leads to positive thinking, removes any perceived limitations, and gives you the drive to come up with new ideas and possibilities.
The Power of Vision Boards is they promote self-awareness
Do you ever take the time to know yourself and reflect on what you want in life? What are your values? What’s important to you?
The concept of vision boards helps you to take time to pay attention to your life and steer it in the right direction. This leads to self-discovery and personal growth.
Do Vision Boards Really Work?
The simplest way to keep our dreams in front of us is to physically post them so we won’t miss seeing them! The hardest part about this is that it seems so silly to take the time to post them. Why would that even matter in the grand scheme of things? What is it actually doing?
How does posting a picture of a business goal, a dream house, a dream car, a financial goal, a job promotion, debt elimination, or whatever is stirring inside of you help you to get it?
When you see something long enough, it moves into your subconscious mind and eventually drops down into your spirit. There you know that you know that it’s going to happen. When you put a picture in front of you that represents your dream, you will begin to move toward that vision.
Vision boards are not a magic pill you take and wake up and everything you desire has happened. You don’t just create a vision board today and have your dream life by the end of the year.
It’s not just going to *POOF* jump out of that specific picture into your living room! Wouldn’t that be nice though? If only it were that easy. Instead, you have to make action plans, develop daily routines, make decisions, and put in the hard work to see your dream life. That’s when you see the results.
Vision boarding works because what you focus on expands. The visual representations of your ideal life activate the reticular activating system (RAS) in your brain. This part filters out distraction, helps us focus on important goals, and align them with our subconscious mind.
Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts heavy weights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights.
Seeing your goals on a daily basis acts as a powerful tool and an impactful way to achieve success. What you see becomes true.
The use of images and words to depict specific events and vivid details of what you want penetrates your subconscious mind which goes to work to reinforce the vision. This leads to a higher likelihood of positive outcomes.
Neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart explains: “Looking at images on a vision board primes the brain to grasp opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed. That’s because the brain has a process called ‘value-tagging’ which imprints important things onto your subconscious and filters out unnecessary information.”
“The brain assigns a higher ‘value’ to images than written words on a ‘to-do’ list,” says Swart, “And the more you look at those images, the more those images move up in importance.”
And there are ways you can boost this activity, for example, if you look at your board right before you fall asleep every night, the images will be imprinted even further.
That’s because the brain is very impressionable as it drifts into sleep and so if you focus your attention on something during that period — particularly on something new — those images are more likely to feature in your dreams and thoughts.
How to Create a Vision Board
So, have I convinced you that pictures are vital? Are you ready to create your own dream board that will lead to a positive future for you and your entire family?
If this is your first time vision boarding just know that you’ll master it after these easy, fun, and simple steps.
I prefer a physical vision board to a digital board because the process helps me feel more connected to my dreams.
There are so many different ways you can create a vision board, so I’m going paper form.
5 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Vision Board
Start with your values
An effective vision board needs to represent what matters to you. So the first step is to define your personal values. What really matters in your life? How do you want to be remembered? When do you feel the most alive and most satisfied?
Set specific goals
It’s easy to get distracted and lose momentum when you have vague goals. The more specific your goals are the more you have a clear focus on what you need to do on your annual vision board.
Put together the materials
This includes a Poster board, 12×12 cardstock, pin board, scrapbook, etc. For inspiration have magazines or printed pictures as visual cues.
Find affirmations, words, and inspirational quotes to go along with your goal. You’ll also need glue or tape or tacks or some way to hang your pictures up.
For the collection of images, sometimes I flip through magazines to find images that symbolize my dream. But usually, it’s easiest just to hop on the computer and search Google. I’ll print pictures to correlate to my dream or goal.
Assemble your Vision Board
Arrange the visual images and words in an inspiring way on the poster board. Then tape them down. Make sure you have a bold title as well on your board for example “My Dream Life”.
Find the Ideal spot
After you create your vision board, post it in a prominent place, and look at it multiple times a day. It can be your bedroom, kitchen, or home office. That’s it. You have your first vision board.
I’ve heard it said that the refrigerator is a magic box. If you put a picture on it of something you want, you will get it. Now, I know that’s not entirely the truth. That’s not exactly how it works, and it doesn’t just magically appear.
However, if you post a picture on the fridge, which is a high-traffic area, you will see that image multiple times a day, and that picture will begin to stick in your head. Your mind will eventually begin to believe that you are worthy to have it and start coming up with ways to attain it. That’s the power of visual images.
Have fun with vision boarding! Grab your favorite beverage for this process host a party, and do it alongside friends.
And remember that as important as it is for you to help your family with their dreams, it’s just as important for them to see you accomplish your own.
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision.” — Helen Keller
Creating a vision board is one of the most important steps in the goal-setting process. It’s an empowering way to bring your dreams into reality.
A vision board is a helpful tool that keeps your goals top of mind. The process of visualization increases possibilities and your chances of achieving your goals and dreams.
The Power of a Vision Board in Achieving Your Dreams is it helps you focus, increases motivation, inspires you, propels you to take action, clarifies your goals, increases self-awareness, promotes creativity, and gives you positive thoughts and energy.
It’s important to remember that a vision board alone doesn’t give you your dream life. You have to be prepared to have a plan, take action, and work hard to turn your vision into reality.
I hope you have fun creating your own vision board as an important step to living the life you want.
Red Hot Accountability Club
You have your goals in front of you! You may even have a good strategic plan to follow to achieve them but you’re feeling a little lonely in the online space and sick of the hustle culture telling you to do more.
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A safe space. A faith space. A friendly space. A forward momentum space.
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And, remember, you are a winner. Just run YOUR race!