How to Stick to Your Goals Through Inspired Action
New Year’s resolutions are always fun to set, but how often do you actually stick with them? You set big goals and feel so excited to start, but then find yourself struggling when that initial motivation, enthusiasm, and excitement start to fade.
Whether it’s fitness, a new business idea, or even committing to a more consistent prayer life, balancing these goals with taking care of your family members, work, and all of life’s other demands can be challenging. What happens? Life picks up, responsibilities pile on, and soon our big dreams fall by the wayside.
So, how can we push through when things get tough? We’re going to be exploring this as we understand How to Stick to Your Goals Through Inspired Action. I’ll be sharing practical tips and strategies for sticking with your goals through inspired action, building discipline, and staying connected to your “why.”
I’ll also walk you through how to create a “when I don’t feel like it” plan, so you’re prepared for those challenging days. You’ll be equipped with faith-driven tools to persevere, plus actionable steps to take inspired, consistent action toward the goals God has placed on your heart.
The Power of Inspired Action
In brutal honesty we need to acknowledge that this is something we’ve all experienced: the typical cycle of setting a goal, especially around New Year’s, and feeling motivated for a few weeks—then gradually losing steam.
Staying consistent can be a struggle, right? It’s easy to make big plans when the new year or a new season is fresh, but life has a way of making us feel stretched thin.
One of the biggest examples I think of is the resolution to exercise! The gyms are packed in January, semi-full in February, and back down to the regulars by March. Why? There isn’t enough reason to stick with it.
The concept of inspired action is to set and stay consistent with goals that feel inspiring, meaningful, and grounded in a purpose that keeps you going. This action leads to personal growth and positively impacts those around you.
So how do you stick with your goals and avoid quitting? You need to determine your WHY and make it something that actually matters to you. What would ___ actually do for your life?
Dig deep and really find the why behind your goal. Then, I encourage you to write it down and post it somewhere you can see it every day. Let your why drive you.
How to Stick to Your Goals Through Inspired Action
Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
I love that reminder to renew our purpose regularly, to seek God’s guidance rather than just going through the motions. When we ground our goals in this kind of purpose, we’re more likely to hold on, even when things get tough.
So, before we dive in, I want to ask you: What’s the biggest goal you’ve given up on because you felt discouraged or unmotivated? Think about it as we explore the tools and most important tips on How to Stick to Your Goals Through Inspired Action and God’s guidance.
It’s time to get out of your comfort zone, keep moving forward, become consistent, and stay motivated to crush your goals.
The Power of Knowing Your Why
When it comes to setting goals, the first step is to have a clear “why.” One of the biggest reasons people quit their goals is because they lose sight of why they started in the first place.
This “why” is more than just a reason—it’s your anchor that gives you the right direction to your dream life. Without a powerful why, it’s easy to get distracted, discouraged, or overwhelmed by the daily grind. But when we’re rooted in a meaningful why, we can keep going even when the excitement wears off.
Now, let’s dig a little deeper. Let’s say you set a goal to improve your health, maybe to exercise more consistently. On the surface, your goal could be about losing weight or gaining energy.
But if you take some time to reflect, your why might go much deeper. It might be about living long enough to see your kids grow up or to set an example of self-care for them. Maybe it’s about showing up for your family in a way that honors the body God gave you.
A surface-level reason might keep you motivated for a short time, but when you discover a reason that resonates deeply with your heart, it gives you strength and focus for the long haul.
The Power of Why – A Personal Story
When I set a goal to qualify for the Boston Marathon, it wasn’t just about crossing a finish line or proving that I could do something hard.
The deeper why for me was about showing my kids that it’s possible to chase a dream, even when you’re balancing family, work, and all of life’s responsibilities. I wanted them to see what perseverance and commitment looked like, not just hear about it.
And let me tell you, that vision gave me intrinsic motivation and kept me going. On those cold early mornings or tough training days, I didn’t quit because my why was so much more than just running.
So how do we find this kind of powerful why? A great idea is to start by asking yourself some questions to dig deeper:
- Why does this goal matter to me?
- How will achieving this impact my life, my family, or those around me?
- What would it mean for my relationship with God or my sense of purpose?
Don’t rush through these questions; really sit with them. Write out your answers in a journal, pray about them, and ask God to help reveal any hidden motivations or deeper purposes behind your goal. The more you reflect, the more clarity you’ll gain.
Actionable Step: Find time, take a few minutes, and go somewhere quiet where you can think without distractions. Write down your goal at the top of the page, then underneath, start answering the questions we just covered. This is an effective way to reflect and really understand your why.
Let your thoughts flow, and don’t hold back. As you write, you might notice some emotional or spiritual connections to your goal that surprise you. Embrace those, and keep peeling back the layers until you reach the core of why this goal matters.
Here’s a journaling exercise to get you started:
- Write down your goal in simple terms.
- Ask yourself why this goal matters. Then, go deeper and ask “Why?” again for each answer you give until you uncover a reason that resonates deeply.
- Consider who else might be impacted by this goal. Think about your family members, your friends, or even the way it could influence your relationship with God.
- Describe how it will feel to achieve this goal. Imagine the positive emotions, the relief, or the joy you might feel. Try to picture what that moment looks like.
- Once we have a strong why, the next step is learning how to turn that motivation into consistent, inspired action.
Take Consistent, Inspired Action
Inspired action is different from just taking regular action and checking off tasks on a to-do list. It’s about acting from a place of purpose and vision.
It’s the kind of action that doesn’t rely on extrinsic motivation but on a steady, daily commitment. This is the sort of action that brings positive change in your life.
Think of it like watering a plant every day—even a little bit of care over time brings growth.
Let’s start by understanding what it really means to act from a place of inspiration. Inspired action is less about forcing ourselves to push forward and more about connecting to the deep and clear vision we’ve set.
It’s not just routine action because it’s driven by love, passion, and a commitment to our why, even when you experience a lack of motivation because the initial excitement has faded. It’s about letting that deep purpose we just talked about guide our daily steps.
Think about the story of the Israelites in the wilderness. God didn’t give them the Promised Land all at once; instead, they traveled and took it step by step, each one guided by faith and obedience.
Now, unfortunately, it took them 40 years to do what they could have in 40 days, but that’s for another day.
Our inspired actions work the same way. Instead of focusing on reaching the final destination all at once, we focus on each of the necessary steps God calls us to take. When we take our eyes off the long journey and focus on the one thing we can do today, that is faith in motion.
How to bring inspired action into our everyday lives:
1. Start Small and Consistent
Consistency doesn’t have to mean grand gestures or huge achievements every day. Inspired action often looks like small, steady steps that compound over a long time.
For example, if your goal is to grow spiritually, a simple daily action could be setting aside 5-10 minutes every morning to pray or reflect on Scripture. When we’re consistent with small actions, they begin to shape our habits and, eventually, our lives.
In my own life, I’ve found that dedicating a few minutes each day to specific action with clear intention—whether it’s for my business, my family, or my faith—keeps me aligned with my bigger purpose.
The importance of action no matter how small is that over time, these actions add up and help build momentum, which pushes you through even in difficult times when you’re struggling with a lack of motivation.
2. Choose Actions that Resonate with Your Why
Acting from a place of inspiration enables us to choose the necessary steps that truly resonate with our core purpose. This might mean shifting from a “must-do” mindset to a “get-to-do” one.
For example, if your goal is to build a healthier lifestyle, inspired action might look like preparing nourishing meals or taking a walk each day as a way to honor the body God has given you. Instead of seeing these as obligations, you see them as opportunities to align with your deeper why.
A helpful exercise here is to look at your daily or weekly to-do-list and ask yourself: How does this action connect to my deeper why?
If you find that certain tasks feel disconnected or purely obligatory, consider how you can approach them differently or even let them go. The goal here is to keep your actions aligned with the purpose that motivates you, so you’re building positive energy, not draining it.
3. Create Visual and Mental Reminders
Keeping your why front and center can help inspire consistent action. One great way to do this is by using visual cues. You could create a vision board with clear goals, write out your why on a sticky note, or keep a daily reminder on your phone screen.
Seeing these reminders regularly can reignite that sense of purpose, remind you why you’re putting in the effort, and bring a feeling of inspiration, a positive attitude, high energy, and a positive mindset even when roadblocks and hard times come your way.
For example, let’s say your goal is to finish a challenging project that will serve a lot of people in your community. Keep a photo or a symbol of that project in a place where you’ll see it daily.
Every time you feel like putting it off or giving up, that visual cue can bring you back to your why, giving you a strong inner urge to keep going.
4. Plan to Refuel Your Inspiration Regularly
No matter how strong our why, we all have days when motivation wanes. That is the best time for you to practice self-compassion, and self-care and prioritize your physical health and mental health.
You have to do that in your daily life anyway but especially when you experience a lack of motivation and feel unsure and uncertain about where you’re headed.
Stay inspired, and make it a priority to regularly refuel yourself. Spend time in prayer, read books, or listen to podcasts that uplift you, and surround yourself with people who support your goals and dreams.
The important thing is to renew your sense of purpose and inspiration regularly to keep you engaged with your why and help prevent burnout. Even successful people take time to do this.
I make it a point to take intentional breaks to renew my inspiration and stay in the present moment.
Whether it’s setting aside time for a nature walk, reading an inspiring story, or simply praying for guidance, these moments recharge me, bring a positive emotion, and remind me of the greater purpose behind what I’m doing.
It also helps me identify new opportunities that l may have missed. If you’re struggling with negative self-talk, this is the perfect time to engage in positive thinking and powerful affirmations about your identity in Christ and what you’re capable of.
Actionable Step: Start with one small action each day toward your goal. It could be as simple as setting an alarm to spend five minutes in reflection or creating a visual reminder of your why. Maybe it’s a note on your mirror or a list of reasons why this goal matters. These small, consistent actions build momentum.
With our daily actions grounded in purpose, let’s move on to the power of accountability and support.
Setting Up Accountability and Support
We all know that support can make a huge difference. Community can often be the deciding factor between quitting your goals or sticking with them.
It’s why I started the Red Hot Accountability Club—because I believe community is a powerful tool to help us stay focused and committed to our goals and dreams.
When we surround ourselves with people who encourage us and hold us accountable, we’re far more likely to take inspired action, keep moving forward, and do our best work. Think of it as building a team for your goals—a community that uplifts you, reminds you of your why, and encourages you to enjoy the journey to your goals.
Having accountability isn’t just about someone checking in on you; it’s about creating a space where you feel safe, encouraged, and even challenged to grow.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”
This verse reminds us that we were never meant to do life alone, and that includes pursuing our goals. Having others by our side is God’s way of ensuring we don’t give up when things get tough.
What can you do with your accountability partner?
Here are four concrete steps you can do with your accountability partner or group to help you stay inspired:
1. Be Clear and Honest About Your Goals
2. Set Up Regular Check-Ins
3. Celebrate Milestones and Progress Together
4. Stay Open to Constructive Feedback
Actionable Step: Today, take a step to set up accountability in your life. Reach out to someone you trust—your best friend, spouse, or mentor—and ask if they’d be willing to check in with you regularly about your goals.
Or, if you’re looking for a community that’s all about goal-setting and support, consider joining something like the Red Hot Accountability Club. Remember having a support system who are invested in your success can make all the difference.
Embrace the power of accountability as a gift from God to help you reach the dreams He’s placed on your heart.
Now that we’ve built our foundation, let’s talk about pushing through when motivation fades.
Push Through Even When Motivation Fades
Motivation can feel exhilarating at first. It brings to the surface deep desires we have, lights a fire in us, and fuels us to get started on our goals. But as anyone who’s set big goals and dreams knows, motivation can be fleeting.
There will inevitably be days when we’re tired, discouraged, or simply not feeling it. This is where commitment and discipline step in to carry us through when that initial excitement fades. Pushing through these moments is essential to making real progress.
Think about it like this: achieving a meaningful goal is a lot like running a marathon. In the beginning, there’s excitement, anticipation, high expectations, and even adrenaline.
But as the miles wear on, the journey becomes challenging. The initial excitement fades, and what’s left is a choice—to either press forward or to give in to the discomfort.
It’s in these moments that discipline becomes our greatest ally. It’s the only way to push through the tough seasons and moments and get to the good stuff.
In our faith walk, God also calls us to remain steadfast, especially during challenging times.
Galatians 6:9 reminds us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
This verse is a powerful reminder that even when we don’t see immediate results, staying the course is worth it. God promises a harvest for those who persist, and that promise holds true for the goals He’s placed on our hearts.
5 Ways to Keep Going When Motivation Fades
So, how do we cultivate the discipline to keep going when motivation isn’t there? Here are a few strategies to put into practice.
1. Shift Your Mindset from Motivation to Discipline
2. Create Non-Negotiables for Tough Days
3. Build a “When I Don’t Feel Like It” Action Plan
4. Establish Habits of Success Over Relying on Feelings
5. Reward Yourself for Small Wins
Actionable Step: Create a “when I don’t feel like it” plan. Choose one or two small, non-negotiable actions for those tough days, like reading a Bible verse that grounds you or journaling to reconnect with your why. These small steps can help you stay on course, even on the hardest days.
It’s easy and exciting to set goals but harder to maintain them and see them through to the end. That’s when you need practical tips and strategies for How to Stick to Your Goals Through Inspired Action.
Inspired action is the action that feels inspiring, meaningful, and grounded in a purpose that keeps you going and helps you stay consistent. It’s about connecting to that deep vision you’ve set and being committed to seeing it through.
You take inspired action by discovering your true deeper “why” and letting it anchor your journey, learning how to take small, inspired actions daily to keep momentum, leaning on accountability, and creating a plan to push through for the days when motivation fades.
Remember, every small step you take brings you closer to the woman God created you to be. Trust that He is walking with you every step of the way.
Are you tired of quitting on yourself and your goals? What if you could create a personalized game plan that works in the season you’re in with the capacity you have without sacrificing precious family time?
In Finish Line Goals, Gabe will show you how to think backward so you can spend less time worrying about where to start and more time taking action that works.